Tuesday, September 26, 2017

सोरायसिस आयुर्वेदिक उपचार Phsorisis Ayurvedic Treatment

~सोरायसिस,दाद,खुजली,चर्म रोगों की कामयाब औष्धि~

समर्पित -पूरी कायनात को

~ मेरा अनुभूत “चर्मरोग नाशन महायोग"~

•नुस्खा इस प्रकार है:-

•गंधक रसायन 100ग्राम
•खदिर घनसत् 100ग्राम
•मजिष्ठ घनसत् 100ग्राम
•बाकुची चूर्ण 75ग्राम
•चोबचीनी चूर्ण 50ग्राम
•प्रवाल पिष्टी 25ग्राम
•व्याधिहर्ण रसायन 25ग्राम
•स्वर्णमाक्षिक भस्म 25ग्राम
•अरोग्यावर्धनी वटी 50ग्राम
•ताम्र भस्म 10ग्राम 100putti

•बनाने की विधि :-
सबसे पहले व्याधिहर्ण रसायन को अच्छी तरह रगड़कर सुरमे की तरह बारीक कर लें , फिर ताम्र भस्म को मिला कर घोटें । फिर उसमें स्वर्णमाक्षिक भस्म, प्रवाल पिष्टी मिला कर घोटे , उसके बाद बाकी बची हुई दवा डालकर खूब घुटाई करें या मिक्सी में मिक्स कर लें । उसके बाद नीम के पत्तों का रस निकालकर उसमें घोटकर सुखाकर , फिर घीग्वार यानि ग्वारपाठा (Aloe vera ) रस में घुटाई करके जब गोली बनने योग हो जाए तो 500-500मिलीग्राम की गोलियाँ बना लें या सुखाकर 500-500मिलीग्राम के खाली कैपशूलों में भर लें ।

•खाने की विधि:-

सुबह-दोपहर-शाम दो-दो कैपसूल या दो-दो गोलियाँ लें ।
रात को स्वादिष्ट विरेचन चूरन ½चम्मच गुनगुने पानी से लें ।
चाय ,गर्म मसाले , तेज मिर्च ,तली ,खट्टी चीजों का परहेज ।

•सदैव आपका अपना•
डाँ०अमनदीप सिंह चीमाँ,पंजाब
• वटसऐप 9915136138 •

अगर आप दवा बनाने में‌ असमर्थ है तो मुझसे पोस्ट/कोरियर द्वारा घर बैठे वटसऐप पर‌ अपनी समस्या शेयर करके देश-विदेश में मंगवा सकते है। पेमैंट अड़वास होती है।

Monday, September 18, 2017


|| अस्थमा/दमा नाशक मेरा अनुभूत प्रयोग- देशी नुस्खा ||

सदैव आपका अपना
डाँ०अमनदीप सिंह चीमाँ,पंजाब
वटसऐप 9915136138

• नुस्खा इस तरह है •
•सफटिका भस्म स्पैशल - 25ग्राम,
•हल्दी - 25 ग्राम,
•मुसबर सफेद भस्म - 25 ग्राम,
•मधुयष्ठी - 30 ग्राम,
•स्वर्ण बसंत मालती - 5 ग्राम,
•महालक्षमी विलास रस - 5 ग्राम

-सबको मिलाकर 90पुड़िया बनाकर सुबह दोपहर शाम 1-1पुड़िया शहद से चाटें । भोजन के बाद कनकासव, कुमारी आसव, भृंगराज आसव 2-2 चम्मच बराबर जल मिलाकर लें।

-मेरा दर्जुनों बार आजमाया हुआ योग है । यह नुस्खा बहुत ही कारगर है।
-नजला जुकाम ,इन्शोफीलीया,टासिंलस, बुखार , टी.बी में भी मैंने बहुत लाभकारी पाया है।  शर्दी में मधु में मिलाकर , गर्मी में ताजे पानी से ले सकते है ।
- मानवता के भलाई के लिए शेयर करना न भूलें ।

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Classical Unani Medicines

classical Unani Medicines

1. Arq Ajwain
Indications: Chronic Fever, Appetizer & Antacid
Administration & Dosage: 5ml twice a day
2. Arq Badyan
Indications: Liver tonic, Stomachic & Gastro intestinal trouble
Administration & Dosage: 125 ml. Lukewarm
3. Arq Biranjasif
Indications: Liver tonic, Stomachic, Gastro intestinal trouble & Phlegmatic fever
Administration & Dosage: 60 ml. with 6gm Maj. Nankhan
4. Arq Elaichi
Indications: Nausea, Vomiting & Diarrhea, Cardio tonic & Exhilarant
Administration & Dosage: 25ml B.D.
5. Arq Gauzaban
Indications: Cardio tonic & Exhilarant & quenches the thirst, Beneficial in brain ailments
Administration & Dosage: 125ml to be taken after mixing with water
6. Arq Gulab
Indications: Antipyretic, Cardio tonic, Beneficial in palpitation & tachycardia
Administration & Dosage: 10ml to be taken after mixing with water
7. Arq Kasni
Indications: Hepatitis
Administration & Dosage: 125ml
8. Arq Makoh
Indications: Hepatitis, Gastroenteritis & Uteritis
Administration & Dosage: 125ml mixed in 25ml Sh. Kasni
9. Arq Maullaham Khas
Indications: Strengthens the vital organs & Sexual tonic, Health tonic & Appetizer
Administration & Dosage: 20-50 ml with 6gm Laboob Kabir H.S.
10. Arq Murakkab Musaffi Khoon
Indications: Blood Purifier, Useful in Saudawi ailments & gonorrhea
Administration & Dosage: 125 ml with 25ml Sharbat Unnab
11. Arq Nelofer
Indications: Quenches thirst in high fever
Administration & Dosage: 125ml s.o.s.
12. Arq Podina
Indications: Stomachic, Carminative, Regulate the Liver functions
Administration & Dosage: 50ml with 6gm Jawarish Annarain twice daily
13. Arq Shahtra
Indications: Blood Purifier, Hyperthermia sand plethora & Chronic fever
Administration & Dosage: 125ml mixed in 25 Sharbat-e-Unnab
14. Arq Ushba
Indications: Rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, Gonorrhea & Blood Purifier
Administration & Dosage: 125ml with 5gm Majoon Ushba
15. Dawaulmisk Motadil Jawahar Wali
Indications: Strengthens the vital organs, Tachycardia, Palpitation, Increase the blood production
Administration & Dosage: 3-6gm with milk twice a day
16. Dawaulmisk Motadil Sada
Indications: General Debility, Convalesce, Palpitation & Symcope
Administration & Dosage: 5gm with milk
17. Dawaushifa 
Indications: Insomnia, Insanity, Schizophrenia, Hysteria & Hypertension
Administration & Dosage: 1/2-1 pill with water at bed time
18. Habb-e-Amber Momyai
Indications: Cardio-brain nerve tonic & Aphrodisiac
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill with milk twice a day
19. Habb-e-Asgand
Indications: Joint Pain, Backache & Sciatica, Phlegmatic & Gaseous ailments
Administration & Dosage: 1-2 pills with water twice a day
20. Habb-e-Azraqi
Indications: Nurine stimulant & tonic, useful in paralysis & neuralgia
Administration & Dosage: 1-2 pills with water twice a day
21. Habb-e-Bawasir
Indications: Hemorrhoids, internal piles
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills twice a day
22. Habb-e-Bukhar
Indications: Antipyretic (Balghami, Safrawi, Murakkab Bukhar)
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill twice a day
23. Habb-e-Halteet
Indications: Digestive & Carminative
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill after meals
24. Habb-e-Jawahar
Indications: Cardio-brain tonic, Beneficial in the post convalescence of long term ailments, improves medicatrix nature, regains vitality
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill with milk morning & evening
25. Habb-e-Jiryan
Indications: It checks nocturnal emissions & spermatorrhoea
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill twice a day
26. Habb-e-Kabid Naushadri
Indications: Hepatitis, Carminative & Appetiser
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills after Meals twice a day
27. Habb-e-Marwaridi
Indications: Leucorrhoea and Uterine inflammation
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill twice a day with milk
28. Habb-e-Mudir
Indications: Amenorrhea & Dysmenorrhea
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill
29. Habb-e-Mulayyan
Indications: Laxative
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills at bed time
30. Habb-e-Muqil
Indications: Bleeding Piles & Constipation
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills at bed time
31. Habb-e-Musaffi Khoon
Indications: Blood purifier
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills
32. Habb-e-Nishat
Indications: Neuro-Cardio-Brain Tonic, Aphrodisiac
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill with milk before cohabitation
33. Habb-e-Papita
Indications: Digestive, Abdominal pain, Carminative & laxative
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills after meals
34. Habb-e-Rasot
Indications: Hemorrhoids
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills twice a day
35. Habb-e-Sara
Indications: Anti-epilepsy
Administration & Dosage: 1-2 pills with 5gm Kh. G.J.U.
36. Habb-e-Shifa
Indications: Headche, Nervous Diseases & Chronic Fever
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill twice a day empty stomach
37. Habb-e-Suranjan
Indications: Useful in joint and rheumatic pains & remove constipation
Administration & Dosage: 1-2 pills twice a day
38. Habb-e-Suzak
Indications: Useful in Gonorrhea
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill with Sh. Bazoori Motadil
39. Habb-e-Tinkar
Indications: Digestive, Appetizer, Carminative & Laxative
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill after meals
40. Habb-e-Zeequnnafas
Indications: Useful for Asthma & Bronchitis
Administration & Dosage: 1 pill mixed with Honey two time
41. Iksir Meda
Indications: Gastrointestinal Tract Infection & Appetizer
Administration & Dosage: 2 pills after meals
42. Iksir-e-Jigar
Indications: Hepatic Disorders
Administration & Dosage: 500 mgs with water
43. Iksir-e-Gurda
Indications: Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney stone
Administration & Dosage: 1-2 gm powder twice a day
44. Itrifal Deedan
Indications: Vermicide
Administration & Dosage: 5 gms with lukewarm water at bed time
45. Itrifal Kishmishi
Indications: Cardio-brain tonic, Spermatorrhoea & premature ejaculation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gm at bed time
46. Itrifal Kishnizi
Indications: Chronic coryza, Remove constipation and brain tonic
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gm at bed time
47. Itrifal Mulaiyan
Indications: Giddiness, headache, migraine and constipation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gm at bed time
48. Itrifal Muqil
Indications: Hemorrhoids & constipation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms with lukewarm water at bed time
49. Itrifal Shahtra
Indications: Blood purifier
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms twice a day
50. Itrifal Ustukhuddus
Indications: Brain tonic & purifies brain and stomach from ill secretion & catarrhal secretions and maintain black state of hair
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms with lukewarm water at bed time
51. Itrifal Zamani
Indications: Headache, Dizziness, Coryza, Common cold, Migraine, Melancholia & colic pain
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms with lukewarm water at bed time
52. Jawarish Zamani
Indications: Cardio-brain-stomach tonic, Anti diarrhea
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with Arq Gawzaban
53. Jawarish Anarain
Indications: Antipyretic, stomachic, liver tonic, checks nausea and vomiting
Administration & Dosage: 5gms
54. Jawarish Bisbasa
Indications: Carminative, piles, abdominal distension
Administration & Dosage: 5gms after meals
55. Jawarish Jalinoos
Indications: Gastro-enteric tonic, Appetizer, Constipation, Ozostomia, Gas formation, Headache & premature graying of hair
Administration & Dosage: 4-9gms after meals
56. Jawarish Kamuni
Indications: Hyperacidity, Indigestion & mild laxative
Administration & Dosage: 5gms after meals
57. Jawarish Kamuni Kabir
Indications: Abdominal pain and Gaseous colic, expels gases & mild laxative
Administration & Dosage: 5gms when required
58. Jawarish Kamuni Mushil
Indications: Gastoro troubles & laxative
Administration & Dosage: 5gms when required
59. Jawarish Mastagi
Indications: Polyurea, dirrhoea, absorbs the putrid and bad humours of the stomach
Administration & Dosage: 10gms with Arq Badiyan in morning
60. Jawarish Shahi
Indications: Exhelarate & Cardio-brain tonic
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms in the morning empty stomach
61. Jawarish Zanjabeel
Indications: Dyspepsia, Cholera, Indigestion & Nausea
Administration & Dosage: 5gms morning and evening
62. Jawarish Zaruni 
Indications: Strengthening the Kidneys, bladder, liver & brain, Polyuria, Headache, productive cough and gout
Administration & Dosage: 5gms morning and evening
63. Khamira Abresham Hkm. Arshad wala
Indications: Cardio-Brain Tonic, Melancholia, Palpitation & Blood formation
Administration & Dosage: 1-3gms in Morning, empty stomach
64. Khamira Abresham Sada
Indications: Strengthens, Palpitation, persists eye sight to normal
Administration & Dosage: 5gms in Morning, empty stomach
65. Khamira Abresham Sheera Unwala
Indications: Useful in Asthma, Phthisis, Tuberculosis & dry cough. Brain Tonic and Beneficial in palpitation
Administration & Dosage: 5gms in the morning, empty stomach
66. Khamira Banafsha
Indications: Fever, Coryza, Common cold, Cough, Asthma, Chest Disease & Constipation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms with Arq Badiyan
67. Khamira Gauzaban Am. Jadwar Ud Saleeb
Indications: Hysteria, Paralysis, Apoplyxy, Facial paralysis & Chorea
Administration & Dosage: 5gms in the morning
68. Khamira Gauzaban Ambri Jawahar Wala
Indications: Cardio-brain Tonic, Exhilarant and General debility
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms in the morning, empty stomach
69. Khamira Gauzaban Ambri
Indications: Cardio-brain Tonic & Beneficial in palpitation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms, empty stomach
70. Khamira Gauzaban Sada
Indications: Cardio-brain Tonic & Beneficial in palpitation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms at bed time
71. Khamira Marwareed
Indications: Cardio-brain Tonic, Palpitation, Anxiety, Typhoid fever, Measles & Small pox
Administration & Dosage: 1-5gms twice a day
72. Khamira Sandal Sada
Indications: Palpitation & Tachycardia
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with Arq Gauzaban
73. Kushta Baiza-Murgh
Indications: Diabetes insipidus, polyuria & bad wetting
Administration & Dosage: 60gm with M.Flasfa twice a day
74. Kushta Fulad
Indications: Anaemia & general debilities
Administration & Dosage: 30-60mgs with Jawarish Shahi
75. Kushta Gaudanti
Indications: Arthritis, Syphilis & Paralysis
Administration & Dosage: 30mgs with Maj. Jograj Guggal
76. Kushta Hajrulyahood
Indications: Excrete kidney, urinary bladder, Gall bladder's stone
Administration & Dosage: 30-60mg with Maj. S. Saremahi
77. Kushta Khabsulhadeed
Indications: Stomachic, Appetizer & Haemorrhoids
Administration & Dosage: 60mg with J. Jalinoos after meals
78. Kushta Marjan
Indications: Coryza, Cough, Cold & Strengthens the heart and stomach
Administration & Dosage: 60mg with Khamira Gauzaban
79. Kushta Marjan (Jawahar Wala)
Indications: Cardio-brain tonic, headache, cold & coryza
Administration & Dosage: 30-60mg with Khamira Gauzabn Ambari
twice a day
80. Kushta Marwarid
Indications: Cardiac distress, palpation, brain tonic
Administration & Dosage: 30mg with Jaw, Jalinoos
81. Kushta Musallas
Indications: Nocturnal emission, Spermatorrhoea
Administration & Dosage: 60mg with Maj. Arad Khurma
82. Kushta Nuqrah
Indications: Cardio-brain tonic, Aphrodisiac
Administration & Dosage: 60mg with Khamira Gawzaban
83. Kushta Qalai
Indications: Nocturnal emission, Spermatorrhoea & Impotency
Administration & Dosage: 125mg with Maj. Arad Khurma
84. Kushta Tila
Indications: General debilities, Aphrodisiac & Strengthening Vital organs
Administration & Dosage: 30mg with Dawaul M. Motadil
85. Kushta Zamarrud
Indications: Strengthens heart, kidney and liver
Administration & Dosage: 30mg with J.Zaruni Ambri
86. Laboob Kabir
Indications: Renal debility, Spermatorrhoea, Aphrodisiac & Health Tonic
Administration & Dosage: 6gms with milk
87. Laboob Sagheer
Indications: Increase sperm and semen production
Administration & Dosage: 5-10 with milk
88. Lauq Badam
Indications: Brain Tonic and dry cough
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with Arq Gauzaban
89. Lauq Motadil
Indications: Catarrh, Coryza, cold and cough
Administration & Dosage: 10gms twice a day
90. Lauq Nazli
Indications: Catarrh, Coryza, bronchitis and cough
Administration & Dosage: 10gms twice a day
91. Majun Aqrab
Indications: Excretes the stone of kidney, urinary bladder & Urinal pain
Administration & Dosage: 3-5gms twice a day
92. Majun Arad Khurma
Indications: Aphrodisiac, Spermatorrhoea and premature ejaculation
Administration & Dosage: 10gms with milk
93. Majun Aspand Sokhtani
Indications: Aphrodisiac, premature ejaculation
Administration & Dosage: 5-10g with milk
94. Majun Azraqi
Indications: Paralysis, Facial paralysis & Chorea
Administration & Dosage: 3-5gms twice a day after meals
95. Majun Chobchini
Indications: Blood purifier, Arthralgia & Arthritis
Administration & Dosage: 5gms in the morning
96. Majun Dabidulward
Indications: Hepatitis, Liver tonic, Obstructive disease of liver and dropsy
Administration & Dosage: 5gms twice a day
97. Majun Flasfa
Indications: Neuro-tonic aphrodisiac and semenogenic
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms twice a day
98. Majun Hajrulyahood
Indications: Evacuates the renal, Bladder calculi and gall stone
Administration & Dosage: 5gms twice a day
99. Majun Jalali
Indications: Increases sexual power and stimulant
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk
100. Majun Jalinoos Lulvi
Indications: Aphrodisiac strengthens body and muscles and formation of blood
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk twice a day
101. Majun Jograj Googal
Indications: Neuro-disorders, paralysis, hemiplegia and chorea
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk at bed time
102. Majun Kundur
Indications: Polyurea, weakness of bladder and bed wetting
Administration & Dosage: 5gm with K.B. Murgh
103. Majun Mochras
Indications: Uterine-tonic, astringent for foul uterine exudates and Leucorrhoea
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk
104. Majun Mughalliz
Indications: Aphrodisiac, spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation and viscous of semen
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms with milk in morning
105. Majun Najah
Indications: Melancholia and melanic ailments
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms at bed time
106. Majun Nankhan
Indications: Stomach, appetizer and digestive
Administration & Dosage: 5gms twice a day
107. Majun Piyaz
Indications: Aphrodisiac and increases sperm count
Administration & Dosage: 10gms with milk
108. Majun Salab
Indications: Sexual debilities, Spermatorrhoea and viscous of semen
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk
109. Majun Sangdana-e-Murgh
Indications: Gastro-intestinal tract and diarrhea
Administration & Dosage: 5gms in the morning
110. Majun Sang-e-Sarmahi
Indications: Evacuates the renal and bladder calculi
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with Sh. Baz. Motadil
111. Majun Sara
Indications: Epilepsy and infantile convulsion
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with Kh. G.J.U.S.
112. Majun Supari Pak
Indications: Leucorrhoea and uterine inflammation, Aphrodisiac, Spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation
Administration & Dosage: 10gms with milk
113. Majun Suranjan
Indications: Rheumatic arthritis, Sciatica and gout
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gms at bed time
114. Majun Ushba
Indications: Blook purifier such as syphilis, scabies etc.
Administration & Dosage: 5-10gm empty stomach
115. Majun Zanjabeel
Indications: Leucorrhoea, metrites, uterine pain and menstrual irregular
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk in morning
116. Roghan-e-Amla
Indications: Persists the darkness of Hair, Strength hair root, Antidandruff And Relieves Headache
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per requirement
117. Roghan-e-Badam Shirin
Indications: Strengthens body and brain along with removing constipation
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per requirement
118. Roghan-e-Baiza-e-Murgh
Indications: Hair growth and stops premature graying of hair
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per requirement
119. Roghan-e-Darchini
Indications: Local analgesic
Administration & Dosage: Rub gently effected part
120. Roghan-e-Gul
Indications: Meningitis resolve the swelling & beneficial headache due to heat
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per requirement
121. Roghan-e-Kaddu
Indications: Provide soothing effect on brain and induces sleep & Relives headache
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per Requirement
122. Roghan-e-Kahu
Indications: Provides soothing effect on brain and induces sleep & Relives headache
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per Requirement
123. Roghan-e-Laboob Saba
Indications: Chronic insomnia, Soothing and cooling effect to the brain
Administration & Dosage: Rub in scalp as per requirement
124. Roghan-e-Qaranfal
Indications: Toothache, gum pain and Headache
Administration & Dosage: Rub on teeth
125. Roghan-e-Surkh
Indications: Arthritis, Sciatica backache and rheumatic arthritis and Paralysis & Facial paralysis
Administration & Dosage: Rub as require
126. Roghan-e-Surnjan
Indications: Anti inflammatory, arthritis, sciatica, gout and joints pain
Administration & Dosage: Rub gently effected part
127. Safoof Aslasoos
Indications: Spermatorrhoea & nocturnal emission
Administration & Dosage: 5gms one a day
128. Safoof Bars
Indications: Leucoderma
Administration & Dosage: 2-5gms soaked in warm water for 12 hour and drink after instill waste applied on white spots
129. Safoof Beejband
Indications: Spermatorrhoea and premature ejaculation
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk
130. Safoof Indri Jullab
Indications: Diuretic
Administration & Dosage: 5gms powder one a day
131. Safoof Jiryan Khas
Indications: Spermatorrhoea & premature ejaculation
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk
132. Safoof Maullif
Indications: Spermatorrhoea and viscous of semen
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with milk
133. Safoof Mohazzil
Indications: Anti obesity
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with Arq Zeera twice a day
134. Safoof Muqliasa
Indications: Chronic diarrhea, dysentery, colic pain & internal piles
Administration & Dosage: 5gms twice a day
135. Safoof Namak Sulamani
Indications: Carminative, Appetizer & Stomachic
Administration & Dosage: 1-3gms after meals
136. Safoof Seelan
Indications: Beneficial for white leucorrhoeal discharge
Administration & Dosage: 5gms with water
137. Safoof Ziyabatees
Indications: Diabetes mellitus
Administration & Dosage: 5gms powder twice a day
138. Sharbat Unnab
Indications: Mild blood purifier, Hyperthemia and hypersensitivity, headache, cough and chest ailments
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
139. Sharbat Abresham Sada
Indications: Cardio-brain tonic, palpitation and distress
Administration & Dosage: 20-40ml in the morning
140. Sharbat Ahmed Shahi
Indications: Melancholia & cardio-brain tonic
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
141. Sharbat Aijaz
Indications: Tuberculosis and dry cough
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
142. Sharbat Aloo-Baloo
Indications: Diuretic & excrete the stone of kidney and bladder with urine
Administration & Dosage: 25ml with water twice in a day
143. Sharbat Anar Shirin
Indications: Cardio-tonic, liver tonic and Quenches thirst
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
144. Sharbat Angoor Shirin
Indications: Cardio-tonic and soothes bilious ailments
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
145. Sharbat Anjbar
Indications: Haemostatic
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
146. Sharbat Arzani
Indications: Catarrh, cold and cough and mild laxative
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
147. Sharbat Banafsha
Indications: Catarrh, coryza, fever, cold and cough
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
148. Sharbat Bazoori Barid
Indications: Liver, kidney and gall bladder disorders
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml with water
149. Sharbat Bazoori Haar
Indications: Liver, kidney and gall bladder disorders
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml with water
150. Sharbat Bazoori Motadil
Indications: Liver, kidney and gall bladder disorders & normal urination
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml with water
151. Sharbat Behi
Indications: Strengthens heart and stomach, Appetizer, Vomiting & Diarrhea
Administration & Dosage: 40-50ml
152. Sharbat Dinar
Indications: Hepatitis, hepatic pain and laxative
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
153. Sharbat Habbullas
Indications: Diarrhea and bacillary dysentery
Administration & Dosage: 20-30ml twice a day
154. Sharbat Injeer
Indications: Laxative, expectorant and leinic inflammation
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
155. Sharbat Kewra
Indications: Cardio tonic, quenches the thirst and cardio-brain exhilarant
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
156. Sharbat Murakkab Musaffi Khoon
Indications: Blood purifier, eg. Boils, eczema, ring worm, scabies and itching and jomorrah and syphilis
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
157. Sharbat Nilofar
Indications: Cardio tonic, quenches the thirst and cardio-brain exhilarant
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
158. Sharbat Sandal
Indications: Cardiac tonic exhilarant and relieves the headache due to hotness
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
159. Sharbat Toot Siyah
Indications: Pharyngitis, sore throat and throat pain
Administration & Dosage: 20ml
160. Sharbat Uatukhuddus
Indications: Brain tonic, palpitation and cough
Administration & Dosage: 40ml
161. Sharbat Ward Mukarrar
Indications: Liver, Spleen disorders and anti inflammation of stomach & intestine, Laxatie
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
162. Sharbat Zoofa Murakkab
Indications: Asthma, expectorant
Administration & Dosage: 20ml
163. Sharbat Zoofa Sada
Indications: Asthma, catarrh and cough
Administration & Dosage: 20ml
164. Shikanjabeen Bazoori
Indications: Anti-pyretic
Administration & Dosage: 25-50ml
165. Shikanjabeen Limooni
Indications: Vomiting, Nausea, Fever and thirst
Administration & Dosage: 25ml
166. Tila-e-Majlooq
Indications: Penile disorders like deviation, thinning and atrophied etc.
Administration & Dosage: Applied on the Male organ
167. Tila-e-Surkh
Indications: Strengthens the male organ and correct obliquity
Administration & Dosage: Applied on the Male organ
168. Zamad-e-Bars
Indications: Leucoderma
Administration & Dosage: Apply on effected part
169. Zamad-e-Bawaseer
Indications: Useful in piles
Administration & Dosage: Rub on effected part
170. Zamad-e-Dad
Indications: Ringworm
Administration & Dosage: Apply on effected part
171. Zamad-e-Jalinoos
Indications: Internal inflammation-liver stomach and intestines
Administration & Dosage: Applied on swollen part
172. Zamad-e-Jarab
Indications: Useful in itching
Administration & Dosage: Rub on effected part
173. Zamad-e-Zafran
Indications: Local analgestic for R.T.I.
Administration & Dosage: Rub on chest